Welcome to the Paramita Path Personal Retreat

Paramita Path 21-Day Personal Retreat November 1 to 21, 2011

We would like to invite you to the personal retreat sponsored by the Paramita Path, beginning on Tuesday, November 1st, and ending on Monday, the 21st of November. The retreat is open to all and you do not need to have taken the Paramita Path workshops to participate.

Besides preparing you spiritually for the New Light that will flow to Earth on 11-11-11, this retreat offers you many benefits:

  • You will achieve a deep spiritual awakening
  • Much of your karma will dissolve
  • Your ego will begin to yield its dominance
  • You will be more and more in your heart
  • You will fully enjoy the Divine Presence in your being
  • Your health will improve
  • Toxic substances in your physical body will be removed
  • You will feel more energized
  • Your mind will become clearer as your thoughts quiet down
  • You will be able to receive and transmit more Light
  • Much of the stress in your life will dissolve
  • And much, much more

In the next message, you may read the instructions for the Personal Retreat.

I hope you will join this beautiful spiritual practice.


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